Feature Request - Favourite Folders

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Feature Request - Favourite Folders

Post by Beagle2 »

I find myself switching between folder a lot on my local and remote lists, so a feature I'd love to see in CoreFTP in the future is a favourite folders list.

I suppose I'm just used to having some of my most-used folders on the left of the folder view in the Windows Explorer (Vista), but I'm sure it would be a great feature.

If you could have a few favourite folders on the local list that would be great - and even more great would be for each site in your Site Manager to be able to have so many favourites too, but I know that might be more difficult to code.

If not a list that you can turn on/off, maybe your favourites can appear in the "Selected Directories / URLs" dropdown menu?

Thanks - and keep up the awesome work! :D