new member - simple questions

Core FTP client questions and answers
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new member - simple questions

Post by Dan »


The ISP that I am uploading to (my first try for a homepage) requests of me the following:

"To make your Home Page load automatically, you will need to name your main start page html file, "index.html" in lowercase and upload it to the root directory of your account."

Where exactly on the Core panel do I type in 'index.html' ?

Do I even need for it to load automatically?

On the left side of the Core panel the directory box says C:\

The right side directory box shows a /

Is that for the index.html or is that where I put the identifying name of the site as the ISP requested?

The 'timeout' and 'retry': Best to leave them as default or should they be changed?

I know these are simple to those that have been doing this for awhile but I figure I'd get some basics on it.

Thank You
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