Noticed the following today via builds 1895/1897 LE trying to connect to two Solarwinds Serv-U SFTP Servers (SSH/SFTP)
When connecting from a Windows 10x64 machine to my sFTP Server I get the following:
Resolving sftp.***.com...
sftp.***.com [22] connecting...
client cipher -> aes256-ctr
client->server mac : sha2-256
server cipher -> aes256-ctr
server->client mac : sha2-256
SFTP connection error - The current connection has timeout
Can't establish connection --> sftp.***.com:22 @ Fri Aug 04 15:57:47 2017 (10038-1460)
I'm able to connect to this site using the same profile from a Windows 7 machine without issue, additionally I can connect from the Windows 10 machine by enabling "Use Putty Compatible SFTP" which yields the following:
Looking up host "sftp.***.com"
Connecting to ***.***.***.*** port 22
Server version: SSH-2.0-2.0
Using SSH protocol version 2
Version: SSH-2.0-PuTTY_Local:_Dec_11_2015_18:20:00
Diffie-Hellman "group14"
Diffie-Hellman key exchange SHA-1
ssh-rsa 1024 e4:dd:11:2e:82:3462:59:1c:c8:62:1d:4b:48:99
AES-256 SDCTR client->server
HMAC-SHA-256 client->server
AES-256 SDCTR server->client
HMAC-SHA-256 server->client
Sent password
Access granted
Opened channel for session
Started a shell/command
Current directory is '/'
Keep alive off...
Transferred 171 bytes in 0.089 seconds
I'm not sure where the SHA1 is coming from since all insecure methods are disabled on both servers.
Does it happen to have anything to due with the following I observed in the latest build notes?
The "High Crypto" setting is off by default for OpenSSL which will allow connections to "Medium" level security servers (SSLv3/RC4/MD5). Since the upgrade to 1.0.x this was not enabled and may have resulted in the inability to connect to servers. OpenSSL will automatically try to connect using the highest available encryption - checking this option will force it and only connect if high level encryption is available.
For Windows SSL the behavior is different - it will not use the highest available crypto method available unless this option is checked.