Large file transfer using SFTP fails to complete

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Large file transfer using SFTP fails to complete

Post by ThomasJohnson »

With build 1929 x64, if I send a file ~63 KB or larger, the progress bar will stop before 100% and never show it as completed. For smaller files, it works just fine. If I wait 10+ minutes it will eventually show as completing. When it appears to freeze, if I disconnect and reconnect I see the file did transfer fully to the server and is complete.
1887 was working fine from my old PC. So I uninstalled 1929 and installed 1887 and 1887 works just fine from the new PC.

I went back to test the prior versions:
Build 1927 was unavailable.
Build 1922 paused on large file transfers.
Build 1917 works fine for transferring larger files.
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Re: Large file transfer using SFTP fails to complete

Post by byronmcg »

I can confirm this large file issue, and may have discovered a workaround.

Using build 1927 x64 all my larger text file transfers stopped at 77% and never showed completion. I updated to 1929 with the same behaviour except they now all stopped at 90%.

The (possible) workaround: While the transfer was stuck, I clicked into the target window and hit F5 to refresh it. The transfer status immediately jumped to 100% complete, the refreshed file listing showed the newly transferred full-size file, and - manna from heaven - subsequent file transfers worked just fine, immediately transferring to 100% with a status of success.
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Re: Large file transfer using SFTP fails to complete

Post by ThomasJohnson »

The easiest workaround is to install 1917. :D You can install it over your current installation.

To download an earlier version do the following from CoreFTP's website:
Click Download tab
Click Archives link near bottom of page
Click folder 1917
Then Click the install you want. For CoreFTP Lite for X64 click: Setup64.msi
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Joined: Thu Feb 21, 2019 6:04 am

Re: Large file transfer using SFTP fails to complete

Post by byronmcg »

Turns out this issue was addressed last summer on this board under the topic "SFTP file transfer issues". To quote the fix posted there:

if the Site profile -> Advanced -> ssh -> use pipelining option is selected, uncheck it.

That fixed it for me.
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