Questions answered before I decide to buy

Core FTP client questions and answers
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Joined: Tue Dec 03, 2019 12:31 pm

Questions answered before I decide to buy

Post by sschlosser »

In Core LE, we are using the command line ftp to send files.
We need a solution to email a group of users if the ftp fails for any reason.
Can the PRO version email a list of users with the error message, i.e. 'Unable to connect', 'connection timeout', 'no file to upload'?
Also, since we have numerous applications that ftp, can we just install the PRO version on top of the LE version and not have to re-configure all of the ftp?

Site Admin
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Joined: Mon Mar 24, 2003 4:37 am

Re: Questions answered before I decide to buy

Post by ForumAdmin »

Pro version has email notification options under Advanced -> Notifications. To send to multiple users, separate each email by a comma.