Help setting up SFTP server

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Help setting up SFTP server

Post by vertigo »

I'm trying to test this out, but am unable to get it working. I followed the guides as best I could, but some of the info in them isn't very clear and no matter what I try, I can't get it working. The server appears to be running more or less properly, since as soon as I started it I started getting connection attempts from a couple IPs in China, which makes the fact that I can't connect all the more frustrating. I allowed the IP I'm trying to connect from in the access rules, though the point of doing that isn't clear, since obviously that's not needed, otherwise Chinese "hackers" wouldn't be able to connect. I tried setting the domain name as my computer name, though even when it was blank they were already able to connect. I tried both my internal and external IP in the "Domain IP/Address" field (which seems like it should be "Domain/IP Address" and the guides say to use either the internal or external, without clarifying how to decide which one to use). It's set to port 21, disable FTP is checked, SSH/SFTP is checked with RSA, Enable SCP (was unchecked, but I checked it since I'm using WinSCP as a client, so not sure if one has anything to do with the other), and FIPS mode checked and port set to 22. The guide mentions that you may have to enter the external IP in the PASV box, but says that's uncommon, and all three PASV boxes are grayed out anyways. I have users set up, but that doesn't seem to be the problem, because depending on what I try, I'm either unable to connect at all or it asks for a username, which I enter only to not be able to connect (never asks for password).
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Re: Help setting up SFTP server

Post by ForumAdmin »

Looks like you are setting up for SSH/SFTP. If you are getting unknown connections then there is a good chance you are setup correctly. You correctly did the "Disable FTP" and set your port to 22. PASV settings do not apply to SSH/SFTP connections so you can ignore those.

If you can't connect but getting random external connections then you are not using the correct address to connect to. Try connecting locally on the machine that the server is running on with a SFTP client with the computer's internal IP (or "computer name" name found in your system settings), if that doesn't work then try its external IP.
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