I have a problem that I have seen happen a few times and I thought I would ask if it's a known problem or if it might have been fixed in a recent build of CoreFTP.
While uploading a new folder (no pre-existing files on the server), CoreFTP will stop and display a dialog indicating the upload will overwrite an existing file and asks me to choose the desired action.
In the past I have either
1) canceled the upload, erased the new folder, and re-uploaded or
2) proceed by noting the filename and choosing overwrite and then investigate the situation after the upload was complete..
There has been no explanation or particular suspicion of why or even what was happening before. It happens infrequently so retries have always been successful.
Recently, this happened again, and this time I chose to SKIP the file. Then when the upload was done, I examined the file and found that the file was found in the target directory, but that the file-length was 0 (empty). The source file was just over 21,000 bytes long.
The file was in the 8th level of a subdirectory, and the entire folder/tree did not exist prior to the CoreFTP upload.
It seems possible that other things could be at fault, but it only happens to me with CoreFTP, and the server does not have other similar unexplained cases.