While using coreftp (v2.2 LE build 1849) commandline to download a file and delete it after the file is downloaded, I am seeing that coreftp will delete a file even though the file did not download successfully.
Here is the command that is issue: (server and filenames have been changed to protect the innocent)
coreftp.exe -site somesite -delsrc -d somedirectory/*.zip -p \\someserver\somedirectory -output \\someserver\somedirectory\somelogfile.txt -log \\someserver\somedirectory\somelogfile.txt
In the log file, we get this:
Cannot send/receive/list at this time, connection busyData port failedError loading directory...somefile.zip - 0 bytes transferred in 0 seconds DELE somefile.zip
So even though the file was not downloaded, it still deletes it, even with the -delsrc. Anything I can do to get around this?