CPI SAP connection - COREFTP

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CPI SAP connection - COREFTP

Post by ablopezf »

Hi, I have problems with SAP CPI when connecting to my windows 2016 server, they connect via the ftp protocol using COREFTP, the problem is that it marks that you do not have permissions to edit files. But we already reviewed the perizos and COREFTP and it has all of them, as it also has all the permissions on the windows folders. The users they use to connect are already in the administrators group and are sending the same error. If I test from other applications like FileZilla and WinSCP it connects without problem and has all the permissions. Something has happened to him that can guide me. Thank you
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Re: CPI SAP connection - COREFTP

Post by ForumAdmin »

the wrong format may be selected under the site profile - advanced - general - server type

settings... Core FTP may not be detecting it automatically.

Forward these two things to feedback at Core FTP:

1) The log while connecting to the server

2) Right click on the remote directory listing (while connected) - Directory Commands - Directory Info