failure when WIN2K server logged out

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failure when WIN2K server logged out

Post by djyaboo »

I am uploading via command line in a DOS batch script:
such as c:\corftp.exe -u data.dat -site miketest -s

The batch file is being kicked off by an external scheduler. The WIN2K server, with CoreFTP (and the batch) is not logged in. It appears that the CoreFTP site information is stored in the registry under HK Current User. Since the server is not logged in as a user, the upload fails, because it can't read the HKCU CoreFTP key. I have run the scheduled task with the server logged in and it works.

Is there another way to get site information, or use SSL without the -site switch on a command line? We are not allowed to have a user logged into a server unattended (even if it’s locked).
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