Files won't delete

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Files won't delete

Post by Bertminator »

I can upload files to my ftp no problem, but when I delete them they are still visible & on my website, although the filesize is zero Kilobytes. I went to my site and the files are still there & accessible. What am I missing? Why won't they delete? :?
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Post by Bertminator »

Doesn't anyone know the answer to my question? :(

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Post by gbourke »

I have the opposite problem. I loaded my site up and it worked perfectly. Then I made some changes and reloaded it and now can't see anything bar the index file yet they are all there!
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files will not delete

Post by jerry@service-inc »

I have the same exact problem as Bertminator: i cannot delete files from the uploaded list on the site. It goes through the motions of deleting the files, but then they all just re-appear.
Advice would be greatly appreciated.
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cannot delete files

Post by jerry@service-inc »

Here is a sample piece of the log:
Welcome to Core FTP, release ver 1.3c, build 1447.6 (U) -- © 2003-2006

WinSock 2.0

Mem -- 522,224 KB, Virt -- 2,097,024 KB

Started on Tuesday May 13, 2008 at 18:45:PM

Connect socket #584 to, port 21...

220 - FTPd


500 AUTH not understood

USER mbox2123a

331 Password required for ********

PASS **********

230 User ******* logged in


215 UNIX Type: L8


257 "/" is the current directory

Keep alive off...


227 Entering Passive Mode (216,201,128,7,214,137).


Connect socket #560 to, port 54921...

150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list

226 Transfer complete

Transferred 1,195 bytes in 0.094 seconds

RMD /Crowne Plaza

550 /Crowne Plaza: Directory not empty

CWD /Crowne Plaza

250 CWD command successful


227 Entering Passive Mode (216,201,128,7,228,88).
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deleting files.....seems that the files delete, not folders

Post by jerry@service-inc »

6 Transfer complete
Transferred 0 bytes in 0.000 seconds
250 CDUP command successful
RMD /Entrance Stationery/Entrance #10 env
550 /Entrance Stationery/Entrance #10 env: Directory not empty
CWD /Entrance Stationery
250 CWD command successful
227 Entering Passive Mode (216,201,128,7,214,64).
Connect socket #1064 to, port 54848...
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
226 Transfer complete
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unable to delete folders from site

Post by jerry@service-inc »

I am wondering if it has to do with the permissions. The permissions are listed to the right of each folder and all seem to be drwxr-xr-x.

I have not a clue as to how to change the permissions, but nothing with the above combo of characters will delete.

Do this help solve my problem?
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deleting folders

Post by jerry@service-inc »

That is probably going to help in the future (we'll see) but what about the folders that are already there? The permissions still all have the same codes next to them and will not delete. All the contents seemed to delete, though, just the folders remain.
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deleting file folders

Post by jerry@service-inc »

how do I change the permissions? where do I go to do that?

i really appreciate the help and apologize for so many repetitive questions.
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Post by mike »

To change file permissions:

First, Select the file or directory with the mouse, then right click on it. Next, select "Properties". Here you will find permissions by using either checkboxes or a number value.
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deleting files

Post by jerry@service-inc »

It seems as if the permissions that begin with "d" are never going to allow themselves to be deleted. Such as: drwxr-xr-x. There is nothing to click or unclick that eliminates the "d".
I am also not sure how the "d" got there in the first place.
Again, thanks for the help and feedback.

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